Contact us
Before you contact us please ensure you have read the updated operation and maintenance manual which is available on the website.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Be sure to include as much information as possible
including your COUNTRY….. please quote the order number as well if relevant AND ADD YOUR PHONE NUMBER.
We do actually reply… If we don’t reply straight away, we are probably sleeping, we are in Australia after all …
Now before you ask,
- No the manual rollsizer cannot be upgraded to a DC rollsizer, too many different parts, sorry.
- Please read through the manuals and try to use the terminology from the manual.
- If in doubt ask, always happy to help. We are competitive shooters so we understand the frustration of poor ammunition. If we can help, we will even if its not related to our machines. We are good at explaining reloading processes.
- Yes, marks on the discs and occasionally on the base WILL occur, this is normal and expected. This is usually from blown out cases that have never been rolled before.
- If your DC rollsizer is stalling when running it on cases for the first time, please run it overnight (12 hours) unloaded to bed in the gearbox and DC brushes. This is normal. Its a by product of having tight tolerance gearmotors.
- Please do NOT modify your rollsizer or decapper without checking with us first! These machines are surprisingly complex and may void the warranty.
- Please tell us your name, when you purchased the machine AND your country, we ship to 52 countries at the moment… saves time.
Contact us about anything related to our company or services.
We'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
- RollSizer
- +61- 400 -712 - 512
- [email protected]